We have a pair of friendly deacons ready to greet you with a smile as you enter the church. Greeters will be at the door to the sanctuary, handing out bulletins, should you want one (all the words you need will be projected on the screens).
If you have children, they are encouraged to attend with you. There are activity bags for them as they enter the sanctuary and a Children's Message is woven into the service, when children are invited to sit in front of the altar and receive a message delivered just for them (pic).
Pastor Sarrault will lead us through a Bible-centered sermon, connecting His word to our world.
If your children need a break during the service, there is a Training Room (you can still see and hear the service) and a library (you can still hear the service) available.
There are elders in the back of the sanctuary, ready to answer your questions, assist you, or pray with you.
At the conclusion of the 8:30 service, coffee and refreshments are available on both upper and lower levels. Classes for ALL ages are from 9:45-10:45 (Sept. - May), with all children's classes downstairs. There are always at least 2 adult classes to choose from.
We are part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). For more information about our doctrine and beliefs, please click here.