Welcome to
Pointing to Jesus
Sunday services are at 8:30* and 11:00am
with coffee, refreshments, and Faith Builder classes for all ages, in between
*live-streamed here, Facebook, & YouTube.
Or, call (517) 234-5554 and listen live or to previous recordings.
Communion is offered the 2nd and last Sunday of each month.
Worship - Live Streaming
Welcome to worship. May God's peace be with you.
Offering collected online - click here to give
or mail into church office 3448 N Adrian Hwy, Adrian, MI 49221
Also live streaming & archived worship on our Facebook page & YouTube channel.
To see past services click here.
We focus on Pointing to Jesus!
St. John's family is eager to meet you!
We are an LCMS Lutheran Church and you can find us just north of the cinema, and enter from M52 or Valley Road.
Address: 3448 N. Adrian Hwy. Adrian, MI 49221
Church Phone: (517) 265-6998
The Learning Center Phone: (517) 266-2425
Email: churchinfo@stjohnsadrian.org
Live-stream audio line: (517) 234-5554
Our Facebook page:
We invite you to
worship with us
We are part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Throughout fall, winter, and spring, we worship at 8:30 and 11:00. Faith Builders classes for ALL ages, are 9:45-10:45. Click here for more information on Faith Builder activities.
During the summer, our second service moves up to 10am, as we give our Faith Builder teachers a break and have no Sunday morning classes offered.
Services switch every week between Divine (hymns on the organ) and Blended (praise songs performed by our praise band). Please click here for our calendar (or keep scrolling down) to know which service will be provided at which time this week.
Holy Communion is offered on the 2nd and last Sunday of each month. If you are not a member, but would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Pastor Sarrault during the week.
Our Calendar
Click on an event for more details (location, duration, etc.).