What is Faith Builders?

The purpose of Faith Builders is to provide opportunities in Sunday morning Bible classes for people of all ages to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and to deepen their relationship with Him through relevant studies that actively connect God's Word to His people.

Faith Builders takes a break during the summer and over the Christmas/New Year holiday season, but is in full swing the rest of the year! 

FB Kidz

2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8:00 pm

FB (Faith Builder) Kidz is a program for 3rd - 6th graders once a month, the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm  (except during Advent & Lent). This is an opportunity for kids to fellowship, grow in relationship with one another, gain Christian knowledge, and grow in their relationship with the Lord. FB Kidz includes games, activities, pizza, ice cream, and devotion time; a great way for kids to hang out with their friends, and with one another. Led by Trevor and Amber Havelka.

Sr. Youth (High School)

6:30-8:00 Wednesday nights

Youth Group is for all High School students 9th-12th grade. We meet Sunday mornings during the Faith Builder hour, and Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 at church. The Sr. Youth comes together to form a community that cares for one another as well as welcomes all into our group. We are striving to grow deeper in our relationship with the Lord and with one another. The SJLC Youth Ministry Motto: "Hungry for Jesus"  is from Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

St. John's Youth Ministry Mission Statement: "Pointing to Jesus by actively enriching & enhancing relationships through growing, owning & sharing faith with one another."

Purpose Driven Youth Ministry focuses on: Discipleship, Service, Worship, Outreach, Fellowship & Family.

We meet weekly, have large quarterly retreats or gatherings, serve as needed in our congregation, our community, and worldwide through a yearly mission trip. Wednesday nights are Youth Nights! Jr. High & High School youth will have different activities each week including games, service projects, devotions, small groups, outings, movies, fellowship, etc. 

Jr. Youth

Students in grades 7 and 8 (aka "Confirmands") attend Confirmation Class every Sunday during the Faithbuilder hour (except during the summer) with their parents. Class is taught by Eric and Pastor. This 2 year time period prepares them for Confirmation during May of their 8th grade year, in which they confirm their baptismal faith. This faith milestone is taken very seriously and is something worth celebrating! The Confirmands are strongly encouraged to attend at least 2 retreats per year, serve as acolytes during worship services, serve meals during Lent and Advent, assist with Sauerkraut Supper, and spend one day each fall cleaning up our cemetery. They squeeze additional fun activities into their busy schedules, like a Christmas party, winter fun (sledding or skating), and whirlyball! Wednesday nights are Youth Nights! Jr. High & High School youth will have different activities each week including games, service projects, devotions, small groups, outings, movies, fellowship, etc. 

Faith Builders

9:45-10:45 Sunday mornings

September 8 through May

During Faith Builders (Sunday School), all ages meet for bible classes beginning at 9:45am. Classes include a nursery, preschool, kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th grade, Confirmation for 7th & 8th grade (along with their parents), High School, Young Adults (college age), and a variety of adult classes. The education hour for children includes snacks and chat time, opening celebration, a puppet show, music, hands-on activities, reading Scripture, and life application. 

All youth classes meet in the lower level, in individual classrooms. Please see the signs outside each door for the age levels in each room, or ask the Host at the bottom of the stairs for assistance. Adult classes use every other available classroom, upstairs and down. Any of our deacons or elders can help direct you. You can find them in the lobby or in the back of the sanctuary before and after each service.

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